Angry Octopus: A Relaxation Story


Children learn how to control anger and negative emotions, reduce stress and fall asleep faster

Written by Lori Lite • Illustrated by Max Stasuyk

Children love to unwind and relax with this fun exercise known as muscular relaxation. Children relate to the angry octopus in this story as the sea child shows him how to take a deep breath, calm down, and manage his anger and stress. <READ MORE BELOW>

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Available as a vBook (video book) eBook and paperback from this website as well as resellers / distributors worldwide. The hardcover version is available from resellers / distributors worldwide.

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Children love to unwind and relax with this fun exercise known as muscular relaxation. Children will be able to relate to the angry octopus in this story as the sea child shows him how to calm down and manage his anger. This effective stress and anger management technique focuses awareness on various muscle groups to create a complete resting of the mind and body. Muscular relaxation can lower stress and anxiety levels. It can be used to decrease pain and anger. This engaging story quiets the mind and relaxes the body so your child can let go of anger and fall asleep peacefully.

Angry Octopus is also featured on the Indigo Ocean Dreams audiobook and is available as an eBook and interactive vBook.(video book)

Note to Parent:angry octopus cover
Angry Octopus
is a kid favorite. Parents report that their children use the techniques in the story to calm themselves and remind their parents to use the same technique. This story received national attention on ABC’s Shark Tank. Every child has a different emotional maturity, attention span, and need. While the stories are best suited for ages 6-12, do not let this be your primary reason for selecting. You know your child best and remember this is not about the reading level. The focus is on the actual techniques.

  “The first time I read this book to my children, they both engaged in the progressive muscle relaxation without any prompting from me. Several days later, my six year old spontaneously talked about how he could manage his anger by doing what the octopus did. A must-have for anyone with children or anyone who works with children.” — Dr. L. Teegarden, Clinical Psychologist

Anger Management Story for Bedtime | Stress Free Kids

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eBook, vBook, Paperback, Hardcover

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