Indigo Dreams Adult Relaxation is a 60-minute audiobook created to help adults lower stress levels by introducing them to the researched-based techniques of diaphragmatic breathing, affirmations, visualizations, and muscle relaxation. This audiobook was created for real people in the real world, feeling real anxiety and adult stress. You will not find any philosophies, theories or fluff presented here. You will learn four straightforward techniques to combat stress, anxiety, and anger. These same techniques can also be used as a first step towards learning to meditate. The techniques are accompanied by soothing, uplifting music to further enhance your relaxation experience. Adults lower stress levels by listening to relaxation and calming music music.
Male narration is accompanied by calming music. An additional sound track is included to further enhance your relaxation experience.
Relaxation is a process that lowers the effects of stress on your mind and body. Learning and using relaxation techniques can help you to better manage everyday stress and anxiety, stress related health issues, and the negative emotions that accompany feeling out of control. Just taking a 10-minute break during your day to relax and decompress will lead to increased health benefits, productivity, and happiness.
Some benefits of learning and using relaxation techniques are:
- Slows your heart rate
- Helps control anger and frustration
- Lowers blood pressure
- Increases blood flow to major muscles and organs
- Reduces muscle fatigue and chronic pain
- Improves focus and concentration
- Boosts positive thinking
- Deeper Sleep
- Lessons depression
“This is definitely a no nonsense, to the point, audio that works. Even for the tough guys! ” -Dr. Thomas Psychologist