Indigo Dreams: Garden of Wellness: A Children’s Relaxation Audiobook


Stories help younger children to reduce worry, improve self-esteem and make healthy food choices

Indigo Dreams: Garden of Wellness is a 60-minute audiobook designed to entertain your child while introducing them to research-based, relaxation, and stress management techniques. Children learn emotional coping techniques of breathing and visualizing to release angry, hurt, or sad feelings that might arise from being excluded or teased. <READ MORE BELOW>

Caterpillar Choices (13:29), The Perfect Club (10:32), Bubble Blowing(11:39), Shield of Light (11:13), Affirmations 8:19), and Garden of Wellness Soundtrack (14:03)

Available as an mp3 download from this website and resellers / distributors worldwide.

Stress Free Kids on Amazon  Stress Free Kids on Barnes and Noble  Stress Free Kids on iTunes



Indigo Dreams Garden of Wellness is a 60-minute relaxation and wellness audiobook designed to entertain your child while introducing them to relaxation and stress management techniques. Children follow the characters along as they use positive statements to improve self-esteem and encourage making healthy food choices with Caterpillar Choices. The difficult issue of bullying is addressed in The Perfect Club. This CD is also one of 3 included in the Indigo Dreams: 3 CD Set.

Any child that has encountered being teased or excluded by their peers will benefit from the techniques presented in this heartwarming story of acceptance. Children will improve self-esteem by learning the emotional coping techniques of breathing and visualizing to release angry, hurt, or sad feelings that might arise from being excluded or teased. Bubble Blowing helps children rid themselves of hurt feelings, anger, stress and sadness. The “Shield of Light” technique is particularly useful for sensitive children. Children can use this technique to cope with noisy environments and teasing. Affirmations reinforce all of the lessons with the use of positive statements to improve self-esteem.

These children’s stories are ideal for any child that has been bullied, teased, or excluded. The story lengths range from 8 to 13 minutes. Each story introduces a different coping technique that children can use to build self-esteem, release hurt and angry feelings, or simply relax.

Female narration is accompanied by calming sounds of nature. An additional 14-minute soundtrack is included to further enhance your child’s relaxation experience. This CD is also one of 3 included in the Indigo Dreams: 3 CD Set.

Note to Parent:
newgowwdiscEvery child has a different emotional maturity, attention span, and need. While the stories are best suited for ages 5-11, do not let this be your primary reason for selecting. I recommend the Indigo Dreams Garden of Wellness stories for children dealing with bullying or children that are sensitive and get their feelings hurt easily. It is also great if you are trying to improve your child’s attitude towards nutrition, wellness, and body image. The story lengths range from 8-13 minutes. You know your child best and remember this is not about the reading level. The focus is on the actual coping techniques.

Indigo Dreams: Garden of Wellness taught my son with PTSD relaxation techniques and more! Children learn life-long stress management skills by using sweet stories that aid visualization. Blowing bubbles assists in learning deep breathing. Having your child picture themselves in a garden with the sun shining on their face and nature all around them is soothing. Calming music reinforces the progressive relaxation. Not only is this an effective tool for my son’s anxiety, but it also helped my daughter with ADHD and sensory issues calm herself for sleep at night.” – B.Dittrich

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