Stress Free Kids Curriculum-Parents and Teachers Kit


Stress management lesson plans for parents and educators

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This turnkey stress management curriculum incorporates 4 research-based techniques, stories, songs, movement, music, and worksheets. The characters in the stories show children how to manage stress, anger, worry, anxiety, and fear while increasing their self-esteem. Each lesson is designed to introduce practical solutions to daily living. <READ MORE>

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This turnkey curriculum consisting of stress management lesson plans incorporates the 4 research-based techniques of diaphragmatic breathing, visualizing, progressive muscle relaxation, and affirmations. Each stress reducing technique is reinforced with stories, songs, movement, music, and worksheets. The characters in the stories show children how to manage stress, anger, worry, anxiety, and fear while increasing their self-esteem. Each lesson is designed to introduce easy, tangible, practical stress reducing solutions to daily living.

You do not need any prior teaching experience or familiarity with stress management techniques in order to use this curriculum. This curriculum does the work for you. Public schools, private schools, homeschoolers, youth leaders, therapists, counselors, yoga teachers, and parents have all successfully used this turnkey, stress management curriculum. Each lesson incorporates 4 research-based techniques, stories, songs, movement, music, and worksheets. Your students will follow the characters in the stories along as they learn to manage stress, anger, worry, anxiety, and fear while increasing self-esteem. Each lesson is designed to introduce children to easy, tangible, practical stress reducing solutions to daily living.

Stress Management Lesson Plans Include:

  • Indigo Dreams CD, Indigo Ocean Dreams CD, (2 full hours include 8 stories/40 minutes of music)
  • 8 paperback books for the lessons including Angry Octopus, Sea Otter Cove, Affirmation Weaver, Bubble Riding, The Goodnight Caterpillar, A Boy and a Turtle, A Boy and a Bear and The Affirmation Web.
  • Lesson plans / Sample conversations
  • Worksheets for each story / lesson
  • Songs and movement activities

Each stress management class is structured in the following format:

  • Movement Activity: Each class will open with a movement activity. Movement, singing and laughing help children to release energy.
  • Explanation: Children are given an age-appropriate explanation of the research-based technique they will be experiencing in the story. Dialog is provided.
  • Story time/Lesson: Stories incorporate actual techniques for stress management, anger management, or self-esteem. Children are entertained as the lesson focuses on stress reducing, relaxation techniques.
  • Discussion: Lively discussion encourages children to share and discuss when they can incorporate the techniques they experienced into their daily lives.
  • Worksheet and Relaxation Music: Children listen to relaxing music as they get time to reinforce the lesson with provided art sheets. Children become aware of how music can be another relaxation tool.
  • Certificate of Completion: Certificates are included to conclude and celebrate graduating from each lesson.

Stress Management Lessons:

Lesson One: Visualizing (2 stories for 2 lessons)

Lesson Two: Breathing (2 stories for 2 lessons)

Lesson Three: Affirmations/ Positive Statements (2 stories for 2 lessons)

Lesson Four: Anger Management/ Progressive Muscle Relaxation & Breathing (2 stories for 2 lessons)

“I work as a behavior specialist serving the needs of five public elementary schools. I used this curriculum prior to TAKS testing. The students loved the interactive lessons and they recalled the strategies from previous lessons each time I returned to their classrooms. The teachers were impressed as well and will continue reinforcing the stress reduction and relaxation strategies throughout the year.” – A. Childers

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School Class Learns Breathing to Manage Stress | Stress Free Kids

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