International Orders

International Customers have three easy ways to purchase our titles.



  • International customers should consider our titles in digital format. Our books, CDs, and curriculum/lesson plans are all available as downloads and will be received immediately upon checkout.
  • Physical versions of our titles can be shipped anywhere in the world but additional shipping charges will apply. (see below for details)

Our Worldwide Partners

Customers looking for the physical books, CDs, and other titles have the opportunity to purchase them through our partnership with Amazon Worldwide and several other Resellers. Click on the icons below and you will be taken to their website.

Chapters Indigo CAReseller Angus and RobertsonReseller Booktopia

To place an order from our website follow these easy steps.

  1. Place your secure order on our website and we will contact you through email to inform you of the exact shipping cost. Make sure you use the correct email address. Additional shipping cost can be submitted through PayPal or credit card.
  2. You can also contact us before placing the order to find out what the exact cost will be for the items selected. Orders can be paid for via credit card or PayPal by using the email [email protected]

Our books, CDs, lesson plans, affirmations, and soundtracks are all available to download and use with most tablets, readers, smartphones and other devices. Titles available to download will have that option on the product page. Any questions on how to download titles from our website can be viewed at Read before Downloading.

We ship most orders within 24 hours via USPS. Orders shipped from the U.S. can only be tracked to the location it leaves this country. In rare cases orders get lost in route. Unfortunately, we cannot be responsible for replacing lost orders however we will work with you to secure a replacement or offer you the same titles in digital formats.


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