Note to Readers: The Voice can be a teaching moment for all of us on the issue of bullying and social media. Parents are no longer able to rely on just what they hear to know if their child is being bullied. Twitter, Facebook, texting, and Snapchat offer...
Note to Readers: Raising an anxious child brings additional parenting challenges we are not normally prepared for. I am so grateful to Anxiety Free Child for sharing this insightful article. by Rich Presta Raising an anxious child brings an acute awareness to being...
By Lori Lite The Boston bombing sent a wave of shock, fear, and anxiety through families across the world. Children are vulnerable when faced with these types of tragedies and do not have experience coping with these extreme feelings and concerns. We all like to...
Note to Readers: Reading for relaxation is an often overlooked stress management tool for children. A good story of triumph can brighten the eyes of any child. Reading gives children a chance to stop the mind list and incessant chatter in their brains. They can...