By Lori Lite Founder of Stress Free Kids
When I think of happy stress free kids, I have visions of laughing children unbothered by dirtied knees and sweat soaked clothes. Children of all ages playing together, creating and scheming as they chase fireflies to fill their glass jar with nature’s light with the hopes of attracting faeries. STOP! I am already hearing parents saying “don’t run.. you might fall…don’t use a glass jar it might break and cut you…don’t be so loud…you are bothering the neighbors….don’t catch all the fireflies because they will become extinct and faeries are only in fairytales..” STOP! These are the types of anxiety causing statements I hear from well-meaning parents all of the time. I hope that this post inspires all of us to loosen up a bit and let kids be kids. Summertime for me was filled with stress free moments that included blowing bubbles, climbing trees, chasing fireflies with my brothers, and watching for faeries. These memories inspired me to create magical, musical melodies of relaxation music for children designed to capture the joyful and stress free moments of childhood.
H – Hoping and knowing that they will catch many fireflies
A – Anticipating nothing but success and joy in all their adventures
P – Positive that bubbles fill with wishes will reach the ears of a fairy
P – Passionate about reaching their goals no matter how many fireflies they miss
Y – Youthful energy untainted by doubt or fear
K – Kisses and good wishes for their job well done for themselves and others
I – Imaginations growing with each leap and each wish filled bubble
D – Deliciously surprised and satisfied with their accomplishments
S – Stress Free moments and carefree hours that add up to a lifetime of happiness.
Blowing bubbles is a whimsical way for children to reduce stress, anger, and fears. Children can visualize filling bubbles with negative emotions they would like to get rid of. My CD Indigo Dreams: Garden of Wellness features a track entitled Bubble Blowing to get you going. Fairies encourage children to use affirmations.
Firefly chasing is so inspirational to me that Indigo Dreams: Kid’s Relaxation Music features a track entitled Firefly Flight. These magical musical melodies are designed to relax and inspire children.
A special thank you to Liza Lambertini for allowing me to use her magical image with this post. (please seek permission from Liza to repost this image.)
Since birth, I have loved the faeries. I believe I was born an artist and simply needed to nurture and develop the ability. I believe we are all born to do something special. Soon as I became proficient with holding my bottle I began wielding a crayon! From there, out popped a faery.:D As I have matured, I have begun to take my little muse more seriously about her passion for art and her joy of inspiration and here we are! I love children animals and nature. My work is born out of this love and respect for life. I believe that which is born from love is magical. Do you believe in faeries? 🙂 – Liza Lambertini
My website is
Find me on Twitter at!/LizasArt
Stress Free Kids founder Lori Lite is a freelance blogger, social media strategist, parenting expert, and successful entrepreneur. Her line of books and CDs are designed to help children, teens, and adults decrease stress, anxiety, and anger. Ms. Lite’s books, CDs, and lesson plans are considered a resource for parents, psychologists, therapists, child life specialists, teachers, doctors, and yoga instructors. Lori’s award-winning books received national attention on Shark Tank and her sort after accessible tips have been featured in hundreds of publications to include: CNN Living, Real Simple Magazine, USA Today, Family Circle, Working Mother Magazine, and Web MD. For more information visit Stress Free Kids and for daily advice follow Lori on Twitter and Facebook.
Great blog!!! Today’s kids need more time to do nothing!!! Watch the clouds make pictures in the sky and listen to the grass grow; when I was a farm boy, we could hear the corn grow! Adults need that same kind of tme; that’s why I put benches in my garden. Thanks for bringing back memories and inspiring parents to let their kids and themselves be kids!
We have benches too and we just love sitting on them watching nature…wish I could hear corn growing!
I hear you basically saying that in order for our kids to be stress-free, parents have to be stress-free first! When I stress, it stresses my kids, even at 18,21, and 24. The only difference when they are older, is that they tell you that you are stressing them! Breathe deep. Relax. Enjoy. Pray. When I can step out of the stress, my kids step out of it too.
Yes indeed…stress in contagious and so is calm..So great to be able to show our children “how to step out of stress.”
Your site is very wonderful,and the posts are the best .
Thank you very much,I look forward more posts .
Great article. It’s all about balance! Many parents don’t leave enough time for their kids to stop and smell the flowers. On the other hand, some don’t give their kids enough responsibility. Reminding parents that kids need time to be kids is important!
Love this post! There are a lot of “helicopter parents” who are well-meaning – but I love the way you encourage folks to let kids be happy and explore.
I’m one of those moms that do ask my kid to watch out, in case they fall! But not too often, only when I see that she didn’t see the danger/ step/ gap. I’m wondering if kids get less able to watch out for themselves if parents are watching over them? Cos there are times I purposedly kept mum and my toddler does fall down.
And being very stress mom of an eczema child, I really do want one less thing to have to take care of, especially, when managing her skin is already a round the clock job. Any suggestion, do let me know on my blog. Thanks!
Great post Lori! When I was a kid, the only grown-up voices heard were calling us kids home for dinner and the light of the fireflies signaling the days end.