Reducing Stress in Kids

Reducing Stress in Kids

by Lori Lite Children are vulnerable to stress. Thirteen out of one hundred children experience some kind of anxiety disorder and many more are just stressed out! Living a balanced life and reducing stress in kids is a challenge for most families. With very little...
How to Improve Your Breathing

How to Improve Your Breathing

from the BreathGuru Most of us take our breathing for granted, but with a little attention and practice, our breath can revitalize us and restore our peace of mind. Finding the hidden tensions in our bodies and releasing them, facilitates good breathing; and when a...
Stress In Military Families

Stress In Military Families

Supporting the emotional well-being of our troops and addressing and creating solutions for stress in military families is paramount. Children in military families are exposed to stress levels that could be considered toxic according to The American Academy of...
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