Leaders Can Thrive at Work and Home

Leaders Can Thrive at Work and Home

by Kerry Wekelo Do you bring your work stress home? The American Institute of Stress states that 80% of workers feel stress on the job. Many are bringing that same stress home to their families, not realizing that children can sense when their parents are stressed....
9 Reasons Kids Calm Down Coloring

9 Reasons Kids Calm Down Coloring

by Lori Lite We’ve probably all witnessed how quickly kids calm down coloring no matter how active they were just a few moments ago. When we sit down at a restaurant, our children cheer up the moment the server places a coloring sheet and crayons in front of them....
Valentine’s Day Activities Celebrate Family

Valentine’s Day Activities Celebrate Family

by Lori Lite When my husband and I were dating, we were both pre-wired to believe that Valentine’s Day Activities meant flowers, chocolates, a reservation at a fancy restaurant with a pricey bottle of wine, and a romantic evening of loving stares and passionate...
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