Valentine’s Day Activities Celebrate Family

Valentine’s Day Activities Celebrate Family

by Lori Lite When my husband and I were dating, we were both pre-wired to believe that Valentine’s Day Activities meant flowers, chocolates, a reservation at a fancy restaurant with a pricey bottle of wine, and a romantic evening of loving stares and passionate...
Talking to Kids About Santa

Talking to Kids About Santa

Have you heard about it happening? That stress-filled moment when you are caught hiding presents all signed from Santa. You feel paralyzed with fear when faced with talking to kids about Santa. You are stuck between magical wonderment and reality. Your child is...
Mindful Hanukkah With Kids

Mindful Hanukkah With Kids

Are you celebrating Chanukah or Hanukkah with kids? This beautiful holiday celebrating The Festival of Lights provides ample opportunity to introduce your family to stress-reducing techniques and mindful moments. Light the Menorah This is an excellent opportunity to...
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